Society Columnists

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

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Child intrudes on adult activity

Dear Annie: I have been in a Bunco group for several years now. We all get along great, and I really

To capture great photographs, let everyone in on the act

Dear Heloise: Here’s a hint for taking pictures at family gatherings, weddings, reunions, etc.: Have

He needs to get the message about misbehaving

Dear Annie: I’m not sure how to handle a situation with my husband. Our cell phones look identical.

15-year-old seems bent on ruining her life

Dear Annie: I am a 19-year-old girl with wonderful parents. The problem is my 15-year-old sister,

Pets are an endangered species during holidays

Dear Readers: With the holidays right around the corner, indoor and outdoor decorations and festive

Formula is for freshening, not unclogging, drains

Dear Heloise: I remember reading the formula for drain cleaning in your column. It was baking soda

Grandson must be held accountable for theft

Dear Annie: I recently found out that my 14-year-old grandson has been taking money from my

Wife has two reasons to wonder about friend

Dear Annie: Good friends of ours visit frequently, often staying in our home three or four days.

Rum makes humdrum dinner biscuits yummy

Dear Readers: Here is a recipe I wanted to share from one of my mother’s (the original Heloise)

Parents have enough of freeloading daughter

Dear Annie: My daughter, “Mattie,” is 23 and has a 1-year-old daughter. She moved in with us when

Remote reader helped them see the light with suggestion

Dear Heloise: I read the column about the reader who lives in a hilly, wooded area and the dilemma

Brother’s perversion divides family

Dear Annie: My brother, “William,” was recently arrested for taking inappropriate pictures of my 8

Puzzling ‘two-for’ hint recycles and saves money, too

Dear Heloise: I love playing the number puzzles and buy the game books when I find them on sale. I

Wife and mother needs some friends

Dear Annie: When my husband retired from the military, he was offered a great job in another state.

Here’s how to remove lipstick stains from clothes

Dear Heloise: I washed my light pants and tops in the washing machine, but left my orange lipstick