Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.
« News / Anniversaries
The Fusillos celebrate golden anniversary
The Fusillos celebrate golden anniversary
Donatellis mark 70th anniversary at family party
Donatellis mark 70th anniversary at family party
Shareks mark 50th anniversary with dinner
Shareks mark 50th anniversary with dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Buckley to celebrate 50th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Buckley to celebrate 50th anniversary
Jugenheimers honored for 70th anniversary
Jugenheimers honored for 70th anniversary
Buchenics mark 60th anniversary at family dinner
Buchenics mark 60th anniversary at family dinner
Hamrocks’ 50th observed during trip to Texas
Hamrocks’ 50th observed during trip to Texas
Surprise party marks Loves’ 50th anniversary
Surprise party marks Loves’ 50th anniversary
The Berchiks’ children host surprise party
The Berchiks’ children host surprise party
The Babinecs celebrate golden anniversary
The Babinecs celebrate golden anniversary