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by Bertram de Souza   | 306 entries

Bertram de Souza writes a weekly column for The Vindicator's editorial page and blogs on

Archive: 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013

U.S. Sen. Brown should have hit back

Republican challenger Josh Mandel got away with a ridiculous charge against Ohio's Democratic senator.

What will the Catholic bishops do now?

The bishops have embraced the Republican Party because of one issue: abortion.

Obama's visit prompts questions

The Obama campaign has a lot of work to do in Mahoning County.

A true confession?

The Youngstown Catholic Diocese is on the defensive over a case involving a priest.

Why didn’t Schiavoni sign the letter?

Gov. Kasich is being urged not to fill a Youngstown judgeship.

Ohio Democrats can’t ignore 2010

President Obama must reconnect with the voters in northeast Ohio who gave him his margin of victory in the state.

Will Dems have gubernatorial primary?

One potential Democratic candidate for governor in 2014 says a contested primary would be disastrous.

How will Dem chairman top Chamber chief?

Mahoning County Chairman David Betras wants the Obama re-election campaign to pay attention to the Valley.

Where’s the money for the casino?

The partners in a group don't have the financial wherewithal.

What was the president thinking?

Obama should have listened to Congressman Tim Ryan.