Society Columnists

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

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Romance is over for Lost and Confused

Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship because he’s at college, 2,000

Bowling league strikes gold with charity program

Dear Heloise: Every Christmas, our bowling league had a Christmas party, and everyone brought a

Wife says they’ve ended marriage to save their friendship

Dear Annie: My husband and I recently separated after 20 years of marriage. I love him, but not like

She worries in-laws are being used

Dear Annie: My husband’s parents are wonderful people in their late 70s, but I am concerned that

Reader has good idea for emergency pet care

Dear Heloise: Thank you for your recommendations about arranging for pet care in the event of a

Attempts to sell their house are sabotaged

Dear Annie: My husband and I have been happily married for 20 years. After the kids were grown, we

Baking soda makes easiest wall-cleaning solution

Dear Heloise: I’m going to paint my living room, and I want to wash the walls first. What’s the best

Acquaintances moved in, and it’s time to go

Dear Annie: An acquaintance recently lost his job, and we invited him and his wife to move into our

Halloween costumes can be made at home

heloise Dear Readers: Here are some cute ideas for inexpensive Halloween costumes you can make at

Freezing yeast is not advised

Dear Heloise: Can you freeze yeast? Thanks so much. Pat K., via e-mail According to a leading

Stupid deed puts educator in bind

Dear Annie: I am a good person. I always try to do the right thing. But I did something stupid, and

Unworthy, rude representative mars impression of worthy charity

Dear Heloise: I received a call from a charitable organization that said it would be in my area on

Why is he desperate to tell ‘terrible secret’?

Dear Annie: I have an elderly father with a bunch of serious medical problems. We’ve never had a

Texarkana point person has tip from mom to share

Dear Heloise: I’m the gal who was your point person in Texarkana several years ago when you spoke to

Teen needs to work on social skills

Dear Annie: I am very antisocial. I don’t go to parties as often as most teens, I hardly ever invite