Society Columnists

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

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Marriage to ‘Dean’ is a lopsided arrangement

Dear Annie: I married “Dean” nine years ago. It was a second marriage for both of us. Soon after we

Mom may have signs of Azheimer’s

Dear Annie: My parents are in their 80s. My father has been having strokes, and his right side is

List will help ease trip when flying with pets

Dear Readers: Are you relocating and need to get Fido, Fluffy or Tweetie Pie to where you are going

Foolish family? Teach kids to tolerate

Dear Annie: I am one of 12 siblings. My younger brother, “Dan,” age 42, met “Karen,” one of my

Different-colored hangers keep laundry duty simple

Dear Heloise: I have been doing laundry for myself and family, and have recently discovered how to

Friends are dumbfounded by Sandy’s rape story

Dear Annie: My old roommate from college is beginning to cause a huge problem. “Sandy” was

Home work requires a schedule, balance

Dear Readers: Many people work from home, and men and women are finding creative ways to

Audrey isn’t interested in marriage anymore

Kathy mitchell and Marcy sugar \ Annie’s Mailbox Dear Annie: “Audrey” and I have been together for

Sodium or salt turns up everywhere, so read labels

heloise Dear Heloise: My diabetic husband was put on a salt-restricted diet — this meant sticking

Recovering alcoholic: No after-work bar for me

Dear Annie: I am a recovering alcoholic with six months’ sobriety. Recently, I was hired at a new

Consider buying new shredder; you can justify the expense

Dear Heloise: I’ve been going through financial files that have accumulated through the years, and I

Wife mulls suicide over friendship

Dear Annie: My husband and I have been together for 23 years. I love him more than life itself, and

Gift cards for parents make the giving easier

Dear Heloise: I have a hard time knowing what to buy my parents for special occasions such as

Rona’s texting is getting on her nerves

Dear Annie: My son’s girlfriend is pregnant with my grandson. They’ve been together five years. The

His lack of get-up-and-go frustrates girlfriend

Dear Annie: I love my boyfriend. He’s a superb partner. He is, however, the laid-back type or,