Reader has good idea for emergency pet care

Dear Heloise: Thank you for your recommendations about arranging for pet care in the event of a personal emergency. As someone who now lives alone with two dogs and a cat, I’ve often wondered how my housemates would be cared for in the event that I’m stricken while away from home.

I’m fortunate to have a neighbor who cares for the pets when I’m away for extended periods. But how would anyone know to contact him if I’m incapacitated or worse?

I have a hint I’d like to pass on. Most of us are aware of the importance of the ICE code (it stands for “In Case of Emergency” — Heloise) on our cell phones. What do you think of promulgating a similar EPC code (“Emergency Pet Care”) for our phones? If that code were publicized and put into practice, our helpful neighbors could be contacted and asked to come to the rescue. Mike B., Omaha, Neb.

You have a good pet hint that I’m happy to publicize. Heloise

Dear Readers: Ruth Ferry of Torrington, Conn., sent a photo of her 3-year-old domestic short-haired cat, Sam, standing on his hind feet gazing longingly out a window.

To get a look at Sam, visit Heloise

Dear Heloise: Recently needing a scoop for feeding my fine feathered friends, I cut the bottom from a 1-liter plastic bottle. First I cut the bottom off straight across using kitchen shears, where the label stopped, and then I cut a scoop shape at an angle from the remaining large part. The scoop is great because the cap keeps the seed in the scoop until I get to the feeder.

If you do not cut the scoop at an angle, you also have a wonderful funnel when you remove the cap. This is one way to keep those bottles out of the landfill. Of course, I recycle mine also. One can use only so many scoops and funnels.

Thank you so much for your column. I read it in The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper. Nancy, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Many years ago when I lived with my family in the country, a cat showed up at our door and would not leave, so she became our cat. She was very playful, so we named her Happy. A few months later, on Oct. 31, another cat showed up and would not leave. Because of the date we first saw her, we named her Halloween. Both cats became part of our family. They spent a lot of time outdoors, but always came in when I called them, either to feed them or in the evening when it was cold outdoors. It took me some time to realize how strange it must sound to anyone within hearing distance when I called “Happy, Halloween.” Stella R., Manchester, N.H.

And Happy Halloween to you! We just love unique pet names. If you have one, please send it in so we can pass it along. Heloise

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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