Society Columnists

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

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Creepy landlord leers into neighbor couple’s window

Dear Annie: I just moved to a very nice community five months ago. The people are so friendly, warm

Tips can help you reclaim bedroom

Dear Readers: Has your bedroom become the hub of activity in your home? Many of us use this private

Kids can mix yogurt with cottage cheese

Dear Heloise: A great food for children to make, by themselves, is yogurt mixed into cottage cheese.

Alcoholic tried all the help, to no avail

Dear Annie: I am a 48-year-old woman who has struggled with alcoholism for almost 30 years. My

Mother-in-law: lifesaver with an iron thumb

Dear Annie: My husband and I are newlyweds living with my mother-in-law and it’s driving us crazy.

Coupons can be found in many places

Dear Heloise: Even during difficult economic times, there are many ways to save a lot of money,

Husband dresses up; she’s cross

Dear Annie: It’s after 1:00 a.m. and I can’t sleep for the second straight night. Two days ago, my

Don’t give personal information to those who call you

Dear Heloise: Never, never, never give your personal information to anyone who calls and asks for

Veterinarian gives more pet pointers

Dear Readers: Here is the second installment of a vet’s pet pointers on how to be a good pet owner

Susan needs to move out of mother’s house

Dear Annie: My 30-year-old daughter, “Susan,” is living with her mother, my ex-wife, while finishing

She knows her dad is cheating

Dear Annie: I’m 27 years old and live with my parents, who are both in their mid-50s. A few months

Hair dryer can clear the mirror of fog

Dear Heloise: I love your column! I use so many of the helpful hints that I read. I wanted to give

Husband is too harsh with 5-year-old son

Dear Annie: I have been married six years and have two children. I am worried about my husband’s

He feels trapped, depressed because of his abusive wife

Dear Annie: I love my wife of 30 years, but I’ve had it. For 10 years, I had a great job in which I

Waxed paper makes a slick cookie tool

Dear Heloise: Every year, I make more than 1,000 cookies to send to friends and family. One of the