Story Archive

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

Archive by year

Ed Puskas: It’s time to say goodbye

Thank you and goodbye. It’s been a great ride.

Ed Puskas: Ed O’Neill recalls friend and Valley great John Rorick

When Ed O’Neill tells you about the best athlete he knew growing up in Youngstown, you listen.

39-11-28 — my final stat line as an employee of The Vindicator.

39-11-28 — my final stat line as an employee of The Vindicator. For 39 years, 11 months and 28

Perazich chronicled Kosar’s arrival in Cleveland

Editor’s note: This story appeared in the July 2, 1985 edition of The Vindicator and is one of the most talked about stories during the career of the late Chuck Perazich, the newspaper’s sports editor from 1977-92.


Opinion: Mahoning Valley Congressman James A. Traficant Jr. was riding high. His election victories were landslides; most area politicians feared him; his national reputation kept growing because of his profane (rather than profound) one-minute speeches on the floor of the House; and his war with The Vindicator was reaching new heights.

Making headlines for 150 years

A look back at some major news events covered by The Vindicator for a century and a half.

Vindicator staffers reflect on their own stories

The past two months have been difficult for The Vindicator’s newsroom staff, as reporters and

Vindicator shutdown leaves void in Valley

Opinion: Vindicator shutdown leaves void in Valley With the final edition today of The Vindicator, I want


Mahoning Valley athletes soared to make us proud

EDITOR’S NOTE: Many of these letters are written by long-time contributors of the Letters to

Opinion: EDITOR’S NOTE: Many of these letters are written by long-time contributors of the Letters to the

BASSETTI Retired sportswriter looks back with laughs

Vindicator’s rich history had fun moments

15 memories worth advertising

Ads were often as colorful as the news stories

‘Funny pages’: long part of Vindicator tradition

While newspapers are traditionally where readers turn for hard news, information, sports and features, one of the more popular pages in the newspaper is what readers affectionately refer to as ‘the funny pages.’

Some great local, national photography features in ‘The Roto’

The Vindicator printed its first Rotogravure section in 1926.


OUR HISTORY Feb. 28, 1850: William F. Maag born to Johannes and Catherine Maag, Ebingen, Germany.


Editorial: The one item in The Vindicator that elicited the most enthusiastic response – in support or in opposition – was The Editorial.

Long-time correspondent recounts his gateway to sports

Perazich made a big impact

State health director’s passion come from Youngstown

Opinion: A state officials roots were planted in Youngstown.

Last full-timer weighs in on feeling at home

Pittsburgh native now has Ohio memories

Heart-wrenching ending to a 150-year institution

Editorial: A daily newspaper is a living organism that’s renewed each day with a new edition. Thus, when a


Archive by year

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