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Be The Vindy's eyes and ears with this economic turmoil

 This economy upheaval is just dizzying.But as dizzying as it is, it will likely be the most important story of the last seven years -- likely even to surpass the presidential election. The problems that caused this and the ramifications to come will certainly be historical fodder for decades to …

One year of Kelly Pavlik? .. That's all it's been?

One year into this crazy new life, he’s still as much "Kelly Pavlik from Youngstown" as he is "Kelly Pavlik, middleweight champ of the world."

Just three more Undecideds - please?

Please, folks ...We would love for three more Undecides to step forward ... expose yourself. Share with us and the valley that you actually are open minded (yet eqiually tormented) about who could properly run this country. We have three volunteers for this October project. We'd like three more.The 2008 …

Letson: They're not going to vote for the black guy

The issue comes up often when 6 white guys get together — sometimes it's a quiet, hushed chatter over coffee; it can often be a louder, more brave pronouncement when there's Budweiser in play.

People tired of seeing same ol' valley ways

Consider that the truth came out from colleagues and co-workers

And sometimes live TV goes this way ...

There's really no news to report with this post.It's a just an "in-case you-missed-this-because-you-were-cutting-back-tree-limbs" snippet.Monday was also a rough day on Wall Street, in addition to being rough on the valley.Click here to see how two guys made light of their situation: ICYMI - CNN - 2 Guys making-out in front …

WANTED: Someone who is undecided about McCain or Obama

The Vindicator wants to report on how an undecided voter makes up their mind during this historic election.

Readers write in: Teens learning 'no,' a smutty story, and who has Vindy pull?

Some interesting letters came in from readers. Maybe some of you have similar feelings ...

Callers see bias in convention coverage

It's going to be a long nine weeks.