Brain food from the heartland


« Brain food from the heartland

The unanswered knock of love ,part v-time is money

How often have you heard the saying:"time is money..."? Ever wonder what that means? Oh yeah, I know-ya can\'t make money sit

We've got ca$h(?)but where's our priorities ?

WOW ! The County\'s got CA$H ! -Obviously! Well, \'we\' are purchasing the former South Side Hospital which will cost PLENTY

Commish/auditor/treasurer file

Commish McNally,County auditor +treasurer are about to file legal objections to the county\'s purchase of the former South Si

Syd's dead

I\'ve had a number of emails re: the recent death of Syd Barrett(formerly of Pink Floyd).<br /><br />This one\'s representati

An open letter to the mahoning county criminal justice working(sic)group

Below is what I had written last Tuesday AM:<br />The mere necessity of writing this saddens me.<br /><br />The (Dysfunction

Memorial day? decoration day?

I\'ve been bouncing off the walls this evening wondering if I would be able to sit long enough to blog some Memorial/Decora

The unanswered knock of love,part iv.

The Unanswered Knock of Love,part IV.<br /><br />\xc3\xa2\xe2\x82\xac\xc5\x93You know I need it<br /><br />To ride in your ca

04 july-freedom & democracy

Contrary to popular belief, I DO have a family member that talks with me-my deceased mother\'s sister,my aunt. Aunt A.\'s 90

The unanswered knock of love ,part iii

"I remember how the darkness doubled, I recall lightning struck itself,<br />I was listenin, listenin\' to the rain, I was he

The unanswered knock of love ,part ii

on the back cover of New York Magazine 26 June 06, ad for NOKIA 8801 phone:<br />Designed to reflect the way you live.<br /