We've got ca$h(?)but where's our priorities ?


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


WOW ! The County's got CA$H ! -Obviously! Well, 'we' are purchasing the former South Side Hospital which will cost PLENTY when all is "said and done"-Mahoning County Treasurer John Reardon said on the show this morning(ok, so it was a bit after noon-I stayed late...) "... it will cost in excess of $1,000,000[one million dollars] just to get the keys...". Now if the documents re: the asbestos + other issues are correct add another million dollars plus ---SO, WHERE ARE OUR PRIORITIES ??? Our law enforcers are risking their lives over and over,day after day, arresting and re-arresting and re/re arresting the SAME people again and again due to the "Emergency Release Policy"[btw-when asked recently about this programme, Mahoning County Sheriff Wellington was unable or unwilling to talk about the ERP which is spewing havoc and pain onto our streets from HIS jail !] which is creating chaos in the Municipal and County Courts and danger on the streets and in the homes of those least able to deal w/the results of our ELECTED OFFICIALS ' incompetence ,lack of interest(obvious by the cancellation of the last proposed meeting of the so-called "Working Group")lack of concern for the welfare of our law enforcers,abused women and children,inner-city poor and suburban so-called middle-classers who've yet to wake up to the NEW NIGHTMARE coming to their reality,manicured lawns, high-end electronics, hey,even their low-end electronics(don't tell suburbans that they have some low-end electronics that still trade for crack,smack,crank and skank).

So,we've got money to buy and rehab buildings yet don't have money to open and operate a constitutional jail creating less chaos in OUR courts and more important-ly, lessening the pain and suffering in our neighborhoods and neighbors' homes AND allowing just a bit of assurance to our law enforcers that when they risk THEIR LIVES taking someone off of OUR streets, that they won't have to risk their lives again re-arresting them again hours later.

[see: An Open Letter to the Mahoning County Criminal Justice Working(sic)Group]

~Louie b.

c./b.Free Radio,Ltd

26 July 06

11:11 p

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