![ROBERT K. YOSAY | THE VINDICATOR...Congressman Tim Ryan thanks the troops for their service and the families and employers who will sacrifices for the next year ---]...Call to Duty ceremony wed morning at YSU Kilcawley Center for Bravo Company 237th BSB. These soldiers are based in Shelby, MS, but many of them are locals. Local dignitaries spoke and wished them god speed as they head for deployment....-30](https://vindy.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2019/04/03/10202011__ryan_1__r320x256.jpg?18f1409051e150192aac35062bbe596a12e9cfad)
ROBERT K. YOSAY | THE VINDICATOR...Congressman Tim Ryan thanks the troops for their service and the families and employers who will sacrifices for the next year ---]...Call to Duty ceremony wed morning at YSU Kilcawley Center for Bravo Company 237th BSB. These soldiers are based in Shelby, MS, but many …

William D. Lewis the Vindicator Al Adi, left, shares a moment with US rep Tim Ryan as Ryan's wife Andrea looks on during victory party at tArab American Community Center in Liberty for Adi who won a stay of deportation.
![U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Howland, answers a question while standing with his wife, Andrea, at the Trumbull County Board of Elections in Warren Monday. They were filling out the paperwork required before voting a paper ballot. Tim Ryan, Andrea Ryan and Ohio Sen. Capri Cafaro of Hubbard voted in person on the first day that voting hours were extended an hour in the evening to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ryan said he wants everyone to vote early. Regarding the presidential election and his views on Hillary Clinton being elected, he said, "I think the last few weeks will be strong as long as we get out the vote. Another voter among the dozens who were at the elections board at noon was Heidi Scanlon of Niles, who said this election is different from ones in the past in that Donald Trump is in it. "He's a TV personality, not a public official." She said she's excited at the prospect of having Hillary Clinton become the first woman president. "We are very good leaders," she said. "We lead our households. I'm excited to see what this woman [Hillary] can do.](https://vindy.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2019/04/03/timryanvotes_r320x256.jpg?18f1409051e150192aac35062bbe596a12e9cfad)
U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Howland, answers a question while standing with his wife, Andrea, at the Trumbull County Board of Elections in Warren Monday. They were filling out the paperwork required before voting a paper ballot. Tim Ryan, Andrea Ryan and Ohio Sen. Capri Cafaro of Hubbard voted in …

** FILE ** Democrat Tim Ryan, center, and Republican Ann Womer Benjamin, right, are running for the Congressional seat of James Traficant, an independent, who was expelled after being convicted of bribery, racketeering and tax evasion. He is serving an eight-year sentence at a Pennsylvania prison. For use with Ohio …

ROBERT K.YOSAY | THE VINDICATOR..The Youngstown Foundation announced on its 100th birthday that it will now contribute a larger percentage to gifts in the valley.Tim Ryan and Krish MoHip talk about the progress in the schools.....-30-