Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.
« News / Engagements
Christina Noll, Richard Wetzel set December rite
Christina Noll, Richard Wetzel set winter rite
Kathleen Griffin, Brendan Blase to wed in spring
Kathleen Griffin, Brendan Blase to wed in spring
Christina O’Neill to become bride of Ben Belcik
Christina O’Neill to become bride of Ben Belcik
Miss Rodomsky to be bride of Mr. Scheckelhoff
Miss Rodomsky to be bride of Mr. Scheckelhoff
Melissa Ciminelli, Joseph Dwiggins to exchange vows
Melissa Ciminelli, Joseph Dwiggins to exchange vows
Shoni Pegram, Merle Madrid IV plan fall nuptials
Shoni Pegram, Merle Madrid IV plan fall nuptials
Vanessa Blair, George Farris to wed Sept. 21
Vanessa Blair, George Farris to wed Sept. 21
Kelly Higgins, Richard Clark to wed Aug. 10
Kelly Higgins, Richard Clark to wed Aug. 10
Sarah Ragan, Alex Mickler plan winter rite
Sarah Ragan, Alex Mickler plan winter rite
Damous-Johnson wedding to be event of Aug. 17
Damous-Johnson wedding to be event of Aug. 17
Miss DeRobertis, Mr. Donofrio to be married
Miss DeRobertis, Mr. Donofrio to be married
Francine Stanko, Adam Schuler plan fall rite
Francine Stanko, Adam Schuler plan fall rite
Sarah Erdos, Brian Ciccone to wed Sept. 7
Sarah Erdos, Brian Ciccone to wed Sept. 7