David Skolnick

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

Opinion | Our Voice | Columns Todd Franko Bertram de Souza David Skolnick Ernie Brown | Letters

Youngstown Mayor Brown scraps raises granted by his predecessor

Opinion: “There’s never a wrong time to make a right decision.” That was the explanation then Youngstown

Youngstown finance director’s resignation of no consequence

Opinion: Youngstown Mayor-elect Jamael Tito Brown made it crystal clear during and after the campaign that

Local Judge DeGenaro’s bid for Ohio’s high court looking good

Opinion: It appears Judge Mary DeGenaro will be a member of the Ohio Supreme Court sooner rather than later.

Councilman-elect Moffie roils the political waters in Poland village

Opinion: The often sleepy political goings-on in the village of Poland were awakened by Sam Moffie, who will

Democratic Congressman Ryan picks up Republican challenger

Opinion: Beating an incumbent is hard. Beating U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, an eight-term congressman who runs – and

Tuesday's election brought out more area voters than expected

Opinion: It turns out that turnout was better in Mahoning and Trumbull counties than board of elections

Brown, McKinney spending a lot in the race for Youngstown mayor

Opinion: Money isn’t everything in politics, but it often plays a significant role in elections. During the

Historic low voter turnout looms despite importance of the election

Opinion: I certainly don’t expect turnout for this election to rival the presidential one or almost any other

7th District Court of Appeals race will be exciting despite dropouts

Opinion: In the span of just two weeks, the potential candidates for a seat on the 7th District Court of

Marchionda’s legal troubles place downtown Y’town projects at risk

Opinion: Whether prominent developer Dominic Marchionda and his affiliated businesses are convicted of the

Local Judge DeGenaro gets a boost in her bid for Ohio Supreme Court

Opinion: The Ohio Republican Party state central committee is to meet today and endorse 7th District Court of

Republicans see an opportunity in two area legislative contests

Opinion: State Rep. John Boccieri’s decision to run for the Ohio Senate has changed the complexity of what

Harry Meshel dedicated his life to the betterment of the Valley

Opinion: I received the news of Harry Meshel’s death in a text message while driving home from a vacation

Legal battle looms over a couple of Youngstown ballot initiatives

Opinion: An attorney representing committees backing two Youngstown charter-amendment proposals is

Democratic aspirants for governor have chance to reach out to voters

Opinion: The Democratic candidates for governor will debate for the first time Sept. 12 in Martins Ferry, a