Ernie Brown

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

Opinion | Our Voice | Columns Todd Franko Bertram de Souza David Skolnick Ernie Brown | Letters

No end to race debate

Opinion: The debate over race in this country just won’t end. Even though the president is a black man —

Brooks reunion planned

Opinion: The Kimmel Brooks Housing Project. That name was both a badge of honor for its inhabitants, and

Anger of some misses point

Opinion: The idea of blacks supporting black-owned businesses is not new. In fact, Booker T. Washington, the famed black educator, author and lecturer, advocated blacks supporting their own, as did Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X.

From a grateful son to a special mother

Opinion: This month is bittersweet for me. On the one hand, my daughter, Erin, turns 18, and I turn another

Easter events are a labor of love

Opinion: In the next several days, churches will either host or sponsor a variety of Easter or Passion plays

Men: End violence against women

Opinion: March is Women’s History Month, but I’d like to focus on how all men can help make life better for

Coming to grips with race in America

Opinion: I have had a book in my library for years that I finally decided to make time to read. It is called

Resolve to encourage in 2009

Opinion: A new year is here, and like most other folks, I’ve decided to draw up a list of resolutions, which,

Election shouldn’t change policy

Opinion: When Barack H. Obama is sworn in Jan. 20 as the nation’s first biracial president, will that historic event signal the end of affirmative action?

Putting focus on adoption

Opinion: We have often heard the African proverb that it takes a village to raise a child. To build upon

Keeping faith in recovery

Opinion: Patricia Hawkins-Smith recently celebrated the 10th year of her new life. The Struthers woman and

Events embrace Hispanic Heritage

Opinion: Hola mis amigos September is here, and a portion of this month and part of October are dedicated

Joy of fantasy football

Opinion: While listening to ESPN sports talk radio a few weeks ago, ESPN anchor and commentator Scott Van Pelt said, in general terms, that all fantasy football players were crazy geeks and nerds.

Helping with health insurance

Opinion: The next president of our country will again have to deal with the seemingly impossible problem to

Honoring black dads

Opinion: Some in the mainstream media view that as an oxymoron.