Dear Ms. Rimedio Righetti: We have economic development


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries"> Untitled document

Mahoning County is holding off for a few weeks the decision to add to the county bed tax in order to fund economic development at the airport.

As the heated debate heads toward a two-county summit, with the Chamber also sitting in, Commissioner Rimedio Righetti cautioned Friday in The Vindy that">funding economic development is vital.

Here’s some history, boss: We do fund economic development.">Here’s a story we wrote in 2010.

In the story, the figure $1 million is used. That’s a very low, conservative definition.

A news hawk sent us a report a few years ago that added up the alphabet soup of agencies — city, county, regional -- that claim economic development impact on the Valley. And the real dollars are far more than $1 million. That’s just vending machine money.

So we do spend plenty on economic development already.

Before spending more with more bed tax dollars, how good are we spending the current money now?

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