UPDATE: Titanic tribute, and lost lessons from history?


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries

http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Untitled document
http://media.vindy.com/content/documents/a/5.1/titanic/A1_Titanic.pdf"> http://media.vindy.com/content/image/a/5.1/Titanic_100yrs/A1_Titanic.jpg" alt="Titanic Front Page from 1912" />
Click the image above to download this page.


Lots of fun Sunday with the new tretment on our 1912 Titanic coverage. We hope you found it informative and unique.

Below is one reader's take on the old front page:


Great idea...I just loved that old front page.
I draw your reader's attention to some of the other front page articles that are of the Titanic. Not easily read, but what an eye opener. And at least one old chestnut come to mind..."If you fail to study history, you are doomed to repeat it"
"BANK OFFICIALS Are Under Arrest Charged With Swearing to False Statements."
"GRAVE SENATORS Seem Infected With the Speechmaking Germ These Spring Days"
"THE POLICE AND MILITIA Both on Duty at Cook County, Ill., Democratic Convention"
"IMMENSE STRETCH Of Coutnry in Louisiana Is Buried Beneath Mississippi Flood Waters"
"ENTIRE CAPITOL And Surplus Of Second National Bank of Cincinatti Wiped Out BAD INVESTMENTS"
And if you can read further into the articles, you will be further amazed.
It was like it was last weeks news! Does nothing change? Are we all doomed to be haunted by the old front pages of the past?
It sure looks that way.


 I’m not the biggest Titanic fan.
I’m not against it; but I just don’t know a ton of the details that many folks seem to know and get into.
What I know: Great ship; bad management; ship tragedy — and a few other things in between.
But other folks here at The Vindy are Titanic buffs, and they created something pretty special for us.
This Sunday’s front page of The Vindicator will be a reproduction of our 1912 edition that chronicled the Titanic’s sinking and the death of Youngstown business leader George Wick.
The entire front page.
Not just a story or a small snapshot of that front page. The actual front page.
It’s very rare we turn over the front page to a single topic ever — elections, wars, maybe a few other things. But when we do, it’s always a live event. We’ve never turned it over to something 100 years old — at least that we can think of here.
That’s what we’re doing.
We will dress it up A1 a bit at the top and the bottom. But 85 percent or so of Sunday’s A1 will be that 1912 front page of The Vindicator.
Our Sunday effort also includes a two-page graphic outlining all the local people on board that trip, and what happened to them, as well as other cool info bits on the ship and the trip.
It’s been fascinating to learn plenty about Youngstown’s connection to the trip.
Our project has been lead by Art Director Robert McFerren, reporter Denise Dick and Managing Editor Mark Sweetwood.
If you get the chance Sunday and you’re a fan of history or specifically the Titanic, pick up a copy of The Vindicator.

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