I know I'm begging to get slapped for this, but this just leapt out at me today:
The city of Youngstown is reaching out to citizens to get them involved. Apparently there's this new thing kids are doing these days called blogging.
Here's a blog from the city community development group. I'm not going to pick at the typos in the headline because, well, I work at a newspaper and ... well .. moving on ...
Anyway, what struck me is how completely uninviting the invite is. Look:
Monday, November 21, 2011
http://ytowncda.blogspot.com/2011/11/putblic-imput-meeting-november-28th.html">Putblic Imput Meeting: November 28th!
Join the City of Youngstown on Monday, November 28th @ 6:00 pm to discuss the Module 2 draft of the redevelopment code! Come and share your input, comments and concerns!
The Module 2 will address the general provisions from the Module 1 plan. Development standards of the redevelopment code will also be discussed, as well as the review procedures.
I did click the online link, and it goes to a general city page that has this meeting buried. It's 1:30 and I still can't find it.
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