Youngstown's trying to be helpful, but ...


« Your Newspaper

by Todd Franko   | 340 entries"> Untitled document

I know I'm begging to get slapped for this, but this just leapt out at me today:

The city of Youngstown is reaching out to citizens to get them involved. Apparently there's this new thing kids are doing these days called blogging.

Here's a blog from the city community development group. I'm not going to pick at the typos in the headline because, well, I work at a newspaper and ... well .. moving on ...

Anyway, what struck me is how completely uninviting the invite is. Look:


Monday, November 21, 2011">Putblic Imput Meeting: November 28th!

Join the City of Youngstown on Monday, November 28th @ 6:00 pm to discuss the Module 2 draft of the redevelopment code! Come and share your input, comments and concerns!

The Module 2 will address the general provisions from the Module 1 plan. Development standards of the redevelopment code will also be discussed, as well as the review procedures.

The draft is currently available">online.

Monday, November 28, 20ll
6:00 pm
Trinity United Methodist Church
                                                                         30 W. Front St.

I'm as thrilled as anyone with asking for input and comments. But in 30 words or less, find something more compelling than: General provisions, Module 1, Module 2, code, redevelopment, discuss, address, standards, draft ....
Note that they even used an exclamation point after "code." Get your popcorn ready ...

It's out of these meetings that come building signs, parking laws, green space, restaurant hours, noise laws and other critical things that affect all of us.
And when I read this invite, all I get is, well, "Bueller .... Bueller .... Bueller ..."

I did click the online link, and it goes to a general city page that has this meeting buried. It's 1:30 and I still can't find it.

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