Valuing the Vindy -- thanks to the Tour cyclists


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries"> Untitled document

We get some great thank-you letters, and we're thrilled to get them.

We also get some great complaint letters. We're glad to get those, too, especially when we make mistakes. But we also get complaints when we're just doing our jobs, and folks would rather we not.

This is a great letter below from a fantastic event last week - the Tour of the Valley bike race.

I like that in the letter they recognize we're in an impossible spot more times than not.

And backing up a bit to their event -- I just like simply that we were able to support a group who stuck out their necks to do something good for the valley, and hopefully they will continue to do so.

My son and I watched the final Tour race that Sunday. I've seen some pretty competitive sports battles over the years. Watching 40ish pro cyclists speed around downtown Yo is a pretty fun thing to watch.

Anyways ... the letter:


To all at The Vindy - on behalf of all those involved with planning and operating the 2011 Tour of the Valley - thank you so much for your comprehensive, accurate and highly detailed coverage of our 2011 event.

Special thanks for your enduring the temperatures and conditions that were somewhat "toasty" for all.

You represent fully - what our theme "July's Test of America's Best" seeks to make happen. To bring out the best in all cyclists, volunteers, sponsors, communities and those helping us like The Vindy (Vindicator) staff that conveys to so many - that an epic and POSITIVE event is happening in our region.

This was year three - and frankly - it was a test for us to maintain and grow Tour of the Valley. What you have done for us - to document and validate all the positive actions and outcomes will help us continue and improve as we seek to dominate the USA cycling "world" during July!

Your role - so often criticized - is highly celebrated by all those involved with Tour of the Valley.

Our area has so much to offer and you are playing an essential part in communicating the facts as they are. Those facts being;  that we are advancing cycling, fitness and "green" in our region and state. Now - we are more devoted than ever to maintaining this important effort.

With the most sincere sun burned thanks.on to 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Richard M. Obertots

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