I started my Movember moustache. Watch the video


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries

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It’s Monday, Nov. 8, and my moustache is in full flight. I started the “little bit of lip luxury” on Nov. 1 as part of the international “Movember” movement to raise awareness and funds for male cancer research.

In the Valley, the effort is being organized by the hair salon I use, William Leonard’s Extraordinary Gentleman in downtown Youngstown.

http://media3.vindy.com/vindy/swf_flv/as3_vid.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" name="player" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="src=http://media.vindy.com/content/video/2010/11/movember.flv" align="middle">

I started clean-shaven on Monday, Nov. 1. On Tuesday morning, I went to William Leonard’s to get a straight-razor shave from stylist Paul Polito. He gave me a little lip sculpturing to get the ’stache started. I went with “The Businessman” model.

(Side point: That was my first-ever straight-razor shave. It was a phenomenal experience. So in the video, when my eyes roll back like a great white shark, pardon me.)

The video also shows John Coie of Turning Technologies getting his face manicured. He’s a Movember guy, too.

So are these guys:
Carlos Morales
Rick Deak
Rich Rostan
Harry Broadhurst
Andrew Labedz
Jim Tropea
Rob Tropea
Mark Bleahu
Howard Tattrie
Terry Esarco

We want you to have fun with our Movember moustache growth. But don’t forget, too, that we want your cash.

Look around your workplace today, or your Sunday fantasy football party, or in the lockerroom of your child’s sports team. One in six of the dads will develop prostate cancer. Three of the six will develop other cancers.

Movember is about protecting the men in your life.

To read up on the movement, go to http://us.movember.com/">Movember.com. It’s an educational and http://us.movember.com/the-lodge/">entertaining site (Some of the best commercials since those ESPN promos.)

And while there, please donate to my page. To do so, click on the “Donate” button. On that page, you will see a “To an individual” button. That’s me! Click there, type in my name — and let your credit card roll.

And come back to Vindy.com once a week or more. I’ll update my moustache as well as share some photos of the moustaches that surround my life — at work, at the hockey rink, in my neighborhood, etc.

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