Obama, golf, Fox and Jib Jab — where else should he eat?


« Your Newspaper

by Todd Franko   | 340 entries

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Some quick points today about the president visiting us ...

• On West Federal Street today was the reporting team from Fox News, in town covering President Obama’s appearance. They were parked on the corner of West Fed and Hazel Street.
On that block are great Valley accomplishments in recent years — such as the Voinovich government center and the Youngstown Business Incubator with its shiny Taft Technology Center. The block also is home to a neat solo effort to rehab an old building into a first-floor photog business, a second-floor office and a third-floor loft apartment.
So what did Fox News use as its backdrop for its live shoot?
The dilapidated, rusted-marquee theater.
Fair and balanced? You decide.

• A reader called me today — disgusted that on the front of today’s paper, the day the president was in town, mind you, was a golf feature.

Sure there was an Obama story on A1, he said, but it was downplayed by the golf feature.
For the greater good, I’ll share what I explained to the gentleman:
-- Obama has been on the front page four days since he announced he was coming here;
-- He will be on the front page Wednesday;
-- The golf feature was planned weeks ago and tied to a summer-long readership feature;
-- and Obama wants to improve his golf game.

• Last week in my hometown of Buffalo, Obama made a similar appearance like today, and then stopped off to eat at Duff’s restaurant — a legendary place (but not the birthplace of chicken wings; that’s Anchor Bar).
Today — my prediction is Jib Jab Hot Dog Shoppe. You can’t get more V&M than Jib Jab.
Your turn:
Where would you have the president stop for a V&M-style bite to eat?

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