Led by Paul "Bunyan" Dunleavy, 'Inc' mag shines down on Yo
by Todd Franko | 340 entries
The good week keeps on for Yo.
Saturday was the historic Elton John show that ignited downtown in a way it hasn't seen in years.
Then dinosaurs invaded a packed Covelli Centre Tuesday and today.
Voters also said enough with Mahoning County operations and ousted a 12-year commissioner.
Now, "Inc." magazine sends the Youngstown magic global with a 10-page spread on the Youngstown Business Incubator and the city.
While the article anchors itself with the always-ready urban chatters we often see — like Phil Kidd, Tyler Clark, Jim Cossler and others, it is a fresh read to have it in front of an international audience.
And it's led with an iconic photo of Paul Dunleavy of Ironman Warehouse gym — walking shirtless in the rain with a 55-pouind log perched atop his shoulder. Classic look. Great read.
Nice work, Coss ...
http://www.inc.com/magazine/20100501/semper-youngstown.html">Read it here.
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