A day of hits and misses


« Your Newspaper

by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


 I want to apologize for the inconveniences our reporting caused today at the Canfield Fair and at a Youngstown business.

At the fair, many senior citizens approached Wednesday’s opening day thinking they were able to enter for free.

That incorrect information was listed in our Tuesday newspaper.

While we corrected it in our Wednesday newspaper, we did so in too subtle a way to get any attention for the masses who read just the Tuesday paper. We should have been more vocal about our mistake.

The fair board was bold and gracious today and decided on the fly to make Wednesday free for the seniors, thus avoiding hours of headache and heartache for guests and fair workers, not to mention our staff at our tent who were besieged by angry citizens.

And at the “Great Tile Giveaway of 2009” Wednesday, we printed the wrong start time for the event.

Needless to say, on a day when we were watching to learn what Jim Traficant was going to do or not do as he left prison, we became fix-it folks for confusion we caused in completely separate areas.

Our apologies.

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