Unique Sunday Vindicator to come with Marc Dann
by Todd Franko | 340 entries
It was a year ago that Marc Dann’s climb to the top of state politics was derailed in a catastrophic collapse.
The chapter will be a permanent part of the history books of Ohio, as well as the Mahoning Valley’s.
While we’ve moved on in a lot of ways, it’s still a live moment for us in many ways.
It is all of that, too, for Marc Dann. And more.
Dann and The Vindicator went to extraordinary lengths in the last week to give Valley readers a glimpse on Sunday at the behind-the-scenes of that notorious chapter last year.
Dann also talks about his life since, and his regrets. He also offers a personal apology to the people of the valley who launched his political career.
“Four years to me, seems so short,” Dann said. “They may turn out to be the longest four years of my life.”
There’s that and a lot more on Sunday in The Vindicator and on vindy.com.
I’ll offer more insight on Sunday in my weekly column.
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