We apologize for an unfortunate error in today's newspaper


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


In today's edition of The Vindicator, an unfortunate editing mistake allowed for what appears to be a disparaging word in a story about the city's gay pride festival this weekend.

Inside today's Entertainment Extra on Page D7, we previewed the event. In many editions, the word "faGay" appears halfway into the story. 

That it appears in a sentence that makes no sense at all actually clarifies how this incident happened.

The original story read: 

As with any festival, the biggest factor in getting a good turnout to Saturday’s event will be the weather. “We’re hoping to get about 200 people,” said Davis. “But if 50 show up, or 2,000 show up, we would be happy. Of course we’d rather have 2,000.”
Gay pride parades and festivals have been staged annually for decades in most major cities, but never in Youngstown.

In editing the story for space, an editor attempted to delete the quoted material, but erroneously clicked above the sentence. The result created:

As with any festival, the biggest faGay pride parades and festivals have been staged annually for decades in most major cities, but never in Youngstown.

Our system does have spellcheck, and it should have caught the word. The system was clearly not employed to its proper extent. The correct version of the story appears on vindy.com.

We have been a supporter of this event in coverage from the beginning. We are eager for its success and embarrassed by whatever distraction our typo might cause.

But we anticipate that this unfortunate incident will not take away from a great opportunity for our community this weekend.

Please accept our apologies.

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