Did you catch the pay raises at YSU? Ten percent over 3 years ... nice ...


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


So amid your weekend dealings, did you happen to catch the pay raises handed out at YSU?

Raises over three years http://www.vindy.com/news/2009/jul/18/union-chief-at-ysu-says-pact-may-be-the-best-yet/" target="_blank">will hit 10 percent for a professional staff union

That's a pretty good contract in a robust economy. With the economy we have now, it's hitting the lottery.

If the contract was a game of chance like a lottery, the resulting raises would be more palatable. But it was a negotiated contract hammered out in the last 12 months.

Wow ... Where the hell were they meeting? It certainly wasn't in this country or this valley.

Before I could even get my arms around the absurdity of the numbers, an emailer hit me with this Saturday morning. It says alot:

The front page of the Vindy Saturday has a story about the new $1 million contract for The Association of Professional Administrative Staff union at YSU. Apparently, everyone in the union gets at least a 10% increase over 3 years with some getting more.

The highest paid "Database Administrators" will make $104,000 of our tax dollars annually!!!
Anyone care to tell me what special skill a Database Administrator needs? - Law School? a PHD? A Medical degree?  please explain.

Where is YSU? It can't be in Youngstown where the average private-sector wage is dropping like a rock and people are being laid off right and left. What's wrong with these people giving out taxpayer funded raises while everyone else is struggling to get by.

Now let's set aside the private sector....look at the nonprofits:
The Rescue Mission has had to lay off  8 people - in an area that needs its help more than ever
The Public Library has had to reduce hours and services and EVERY PUBLIC employee at the library has taken pay CUTS, including the Executive director!
The Salvation Army can only supply meals 2 weeks out of 4 to the needy.

I have no beef with anyone getting as much as they can. God Bless anyone who can get a raise. I mean that. Go for it.
But I have a problem with boards of public organizations handing out cash like candy when everyone else is suffering all around them.

The YSU Board of Trustees should include some people who make less than a $100k a year and are in touch with the local reality. Or how about some of the thousands of people in the area who are laid off. they have plenty of time to attend board meetings.

Vindy columnist http://www.vindy.com/news/2009/jul/19/at-ysu-8216me-too8217-defines-greed/" target="_blank">Bertram DeSouza sounded off on this on Sunday, and some YSU staffers fired right back.

So what are your thoughts?


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