George or William or Vincent or ???


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


Thousands flocked to Chicago some years ago to see a water stain on a viaduct under the Kennedy Expressway that some say resembled the Virgin Mary.

Another group paid thousands of dollars for a Florida woman’s grilled cheese sandwich that showed Mary.
A fire-damaged home in Maine also shows Mary, and has drawn onlookers.,0,6430790.photogallery" target="_blank">There are many such sightings and resulting pilgrimages.

Kimberly Barnes of Salem is not expecting such.

After all, it’s only George Washington.

Check out her tree below. They’ve lived in the Salem home for four years, and only this weekend did her brother-in-law look over and notice “Hey — you got George Washington in your tree.”

I showed it to a co-worker. He sees Shakespeare. Kim’s friend sees Van Gogh.

Kim? Well ... More than anything, she just sees a moment to laugh at it all.

Her husband laughed it off even more, telling her:

“Too bad it didn’t look like Michael Jackson ... I would cut that sucker down and put it on eBay.”

Look at the photos below.

Who do you see?" border="0" width="551" height="324" />" border="0" width="552" height="413" />



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