A movie, a meal and fireworks ...


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


“Iron Man” even beat back the rain.
Monday night launched Youngstown’s summer of movies with Robert Downey Jr.’s “Iron Man” kicking off the season.
I’m guessing 200 of us filled in nicely on the lawn outside the http://www.chevroletcentre.com/" target="_blank">Covelli Centre.
Local rock band http://www.myspace.com/thezou" target="_blank">The Zou debuted a music video before the flick, and it was warmly received. And http://www.ironandstring.org/PurpleCatHistory.html" target="_blank">Candy Saloon was doling out the right treats. And Mother Nature cooperated as well by holding off the rain.
I had two sons with me, and they had a blast. The crowd was mix -- old, young, black, white, families, 20-somethings, couples, etc.
That was Monday.
Wednesday was lunch at Papa’s restaurant, which is taking over kitchen duties inside Barley’s Bar on West Federal Street.
You have to check out the roasted pork. That was some of the most delicious meat I’ve ever tasted. It was Puerto Rican cuisine, which is completely foreign to me. So rather than butcher the name, just get the No. 6.
And thttp://www.facebook.com/home.php#/event.php?eid=93558671164&ref=ts" target="_blank">his weekend is a double dip of fun with Friday night’s Party on the Plaza and Saturday night’s fireworks at Covelli.
What does this all mean?
If you’ve avoided downtown Youngstown because “I’m going to get robbed or assaulted,” you must get a grip — and then get into the car and head downtown.
Monday’s movie will be “Jaws” kicking off just after sunset. The week after, “Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” will be on the big screen.
The flicks continue through the end of August.
Stay close to The Vindy for all times and places for weekend festivities.

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