Fear not — we’re watching Bertram's vital signs


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


Great revenue numbers from the Chevy Centre were announced in The Vindicator today.
Click http://www.vindy.com/news/2009/apr/24/big-crowds-bigger-profits-chevys-1st-quarter/" target="_blank">here.
The results are huge based on a great first quarter anchored by the Kelly Pavlik fight and several other sold-out events.
Vindy columnist Bertram DeSouza has long wondered if the Chevy Centre was a mistake. He holds onto the promises made by former Mayor McKelvey and others — who oversold the place with misinformed projections and promises.
In blogs and columns, he’s offered the the place should now anything but an event center. A casino, a dollar store, a cash advance joint, and other strange things. Anything but a place for families and folks of all sizes and ages to enjoy.
Today’s numbers will likely have him checking his pulse and watching other vital signs.
"A profit? Good god, man .... what has happened?"
The Chevy Centre had a successful quarter that even he would find hard to knock.
Cheer up, Bertram.
I did hear a rumor that sales of jello shots were down.Maybe that glimmer of a downside will brighten Bertram's day somewhat.

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