The Vindicator adds to the happiness of the holidays


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


We’ve got some interesting stories upcoming that we hope will mesh nicely with your hectic holiday happenings.

• Don Shilling takes a look at the local Friday shopping scene. There will be deals. But some deals have already been offered, and experts say more will come after Black Friday. Our own shopping dealmaster — managing editor Mark Sweetwood – will author blogs on Wednesday and Thursday about the best ways to work the Black Friday store inserts in our paper.

• Fifty years ago may seem like a lifetime ago. But it is also well within our lifetimes. On Thursday, The Vindy features a look at Thanksgiving from 50 years ago in a story by Patty Meade.
• We launched Operation Holiday Cheer two weeks ago as a way to spread holiday cheer to our soldiers overseas. We will reprise that package of soldier addresses and packaging tips on Thanksgiving with the hope that more folks will remember our men and women at war.

•  A few months back, reporter Bill Alcorn shared the great tale about a precious Struthers girl, Tabitha Fiorenza, who was in desperate need of a heart. She got her heart, and her family is ever thankful. We’ll revisit their story.

• The YMCA steps up in a lot of ways, and an Off-School Program is just right for many parents around the holidays.
• Everything you need to know about Ursuline’s run for a state football title will be in our Saturday game preview.

• One activity that has remained strong despite the economic challenges of late is work at the Realty Towers project downtown; the Lou Frangos effort to bring luxury living to downtown. If you’re ever asked “Who is Michael Morley?” you’ll know after reading Sunday's story that he’s one of the first to commit to living in the high-rise.
• We'll know whether the Fighting Irish was victorious and will chronicle their bid for the state football throne.

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