Vindy staff honors coming


« Your Newspaper

by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


Several Vindy staffers are in line for top state newspaper honors for their 2007 work.

Each year, the state's newspapers put their best work up against one another across several categories.

Below are the staffers and categories in which they/we are finalists. Awards will be announced in late April. 

Best Columnist: Bertram DeSouza
Best Graphics Artist: John Cruz
Best Sports Feature Writer: Joe Scalzo
Best Sports Writer: Joe Scalzo
Best News Writer: Jeanne Starmack
Best Informational Graphic: John Cruz
Best Spot News Photo: William D. Lewis for “Firefighter”
Best Web Site: The (Youngstown) Vindicator

One award for 2007 work is already in, and it goes to Photo Editor Bob Yosay. He was honored by the Ohio News Photographers Association for best spot news photo.


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