Some interesting stories buried in today's Vindy


« Your Newspaper

by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


I just finished reading today's paper. There can only be a few front pages, but there are lots of inside pages with cool nuggets on them.

Check out:

-- Page A8 and the stories on Haitians eatiing mud pies and the Baltimore schools considering paying kids cash prizes for school successes. Since school trends tend to work their way around the country, watch out for this one. NYC is experimenting with it as well.

--  Page B2 and the story about the Ellwood City mayor who used racial epithets to his black police chief. Here's the" target="_blank">story from the Post-Gazette. That's just ridiculous at that level of supposed leadership.

-- Page B5, two top Ford bosses called their current Taurus design homely like Homer Simpson. Ouch. 

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