We're halfway into the weekend high school sports events. Please remember to send us your pictures from the sidelines.
We want to keep going our weekly Blitz fantastic page. It's a page for the fans. But we need fan help.
Below is a bit that ran in The Vindicator on Thursday.
Readers take note: We love your photos for the FANtastic page.
But we need you to send more.
You’ll note today’s page is the first one to appear in several weeks. The photo faucet hasn’t been as flowing as it was during football.
We want to keep this page a weekly feature, but we need your photos.
Thus, repeat after us:
“I, the reader, do hereby resolve in 2008 (or until basketball and wrestling seasons finish) to take my camera to my school’s sporting event. I resolve to capture the fun and foolishness on the sidelines (Check out the Zordich pictures). I resolve to send them each day to blitz@vindy.com. Completion of this task will result in me having a fulfilling 2008 — and a FANtastic page every Thursday in The Vindicator.”
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