Any Leap Year fun going on?


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


Friday is Feb. 29 — Leap Year Friday.

Is it a special moment in your family or at work?

Let us know. Email me ASAP ( if you want to be part of a Vindy story, or you can squeal on someone affected by Leap Year and pass along their name.

Who cares about Leap Year? Glad you asked.

Papa Johns is offering free pizza that day to Leap Year babies. Check out the story" target="_blank">here. 

An Australian rail company is offering cheap travel on Friday. Read,26058,23283656-5014090,00.html" target="_blank">here.

But Leap Year will also cost us. One more day of heat. One more day of electricity. One Canadian company did the math." target="_blank">Read. 

Why do we need Leap Year. My guess is it allows one more day for Hillary to debate Barack. But here's" target="_blank">what smarter people say. 

All this stuff aside, send us some names of people celebrating their birthdays on Friday, or doing other strange things that day. Tax day should be Feb. 29.




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