Saturday night is a fun newspaper night


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by Todd Franko   | 340 entries


As I write this, I'm in my Poland living room with a few guys watching the Pavlik fight. The fight's on TV, and on the computer, I'm reading Joe Scalzo blogs from ringside in Las Vegas. With Joe are writer John Bassetti and photogs Bill Lewis and Bob Yosay.

Sitting with me is the guy in charge of our web site, Jason. He's managing Pavlik online stuff from his laptop.

In downtown Youngstown, staffers are cranking away getting pages set so that all that's left is to wait for the fight.

All of us are focused on the fight; all of us are worrying about different things.

Joe is worried about us (OK, me) bothering him with questions like "What is Mike Sr. wearing?"  

Photo guys are concerned about getting images downloaded and shipped to the downtown crew.

The web guy is wondering why there are no timestamps on the web site so that when Scalzo writes "It's 90 minutes till fight time," people know 90 minutes from when.

I'm worrying when the fight will start. It's now 11 p.m. We're starting the presses one hour late -- at 1:30 a.m. -- to get in the fight. For the presses to start at 1:30, we need stories and photos by 1 a.m.

The uncertainty in exhausting, but also exciting.

The other thing we'd like in addition to stories and photos is a win. It's fight time.



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