A case of mistaken address?


« Stirfry

by Bertram de Souza   | 306 entries


Is it possible that whoever fired shots at the Liberty Township home of Dr. David Sweet, president of Youngstown State University, was actually looking for Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann's residence, which is also in Liberty?

The question is not without some merit, given that law enforcement officials have not provided a public explanation for why anyone would target a university president who does not appear to have enemies of the violent kind and given that Attorney General Dann has angered a whole lot of people with his crackdown on fruit machines (gambling devices by any other name).

Dann's aggressive campaign to enforce Ohio's anti-gambling laws has resulted in manufacturers and owners of machines losing hundreds of millions of dollars.

Now that would certainly drive someone to want to send the state's chief law enforcement officer a message.

While YSU President Sweet and Dann aren't neighbors in Liberty Towship, their homes are in the same area of the township.



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