Pelini on pics: "Not trying to look scary"


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by Joe Scalzo - "A blog about YSU Penguin athletics, not the insides of penguins."   | 155 entries"> Untitled document

Youngstown State football coach Bo Pelini went to Thursday's Sweet Sixteen games in Cleveland and, naturally, attracted a crowd of fans who wanted selfies with the former Nebraska coach.

It didn't go great.

One photo in particular merited" target="_blank">a Bleacher Report story that described it as "a portrait of human apathy's murkiest depths." Pretty soon, Pelini's famous fake Twitter account, @FauxPelini, started retweeting some of Bo's best bored expressions through the years.

So, I asked him about it after Friday's practice.

"You know, it's amazing," he said of the fact that this was even a thing. "At times, especially when you’re in a big crowd, I, personally, get a little uncomfortable [to pose for pictures]. It’s not real fun for me. And to be honest with you, last night, it got a little crazy. Like one after another. So, I guess I get a little — I guess I’d call it embarrassed."

Does he purposely look scary so people won't ask him to take more photos?

"I’m not trying to look scary," he said. "My wife always says I don’t smile in pictures, too."

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