Want free tickets? It's trivia time!


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by Joe Scalzo - "A blog about YSU Penguin athletics, not the insides of penguins."   | 155 entries

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We have a winner! Sandi Mowen of Poland correctly guessed Andre Barboza, who is 26 1/2 years old. Barboza was born on April 16, 1985. (Pat White, who turns 24 on Nov. 5, is the second-oldest.)

So if you're thinking, "YSU-St. Francis is such a bad game, you can't even give the tickets away," you're wrong. But hey, the weather is supposed to be decent and it'll be fun for YSU fans to watch the Penguins bludgeon a team into submission, right?


Sandi was actually the second person with the correct answer. YSU's backup QB Marc Kanetsky sent me this: "Andre Barboza: 46 years old."

Marc Kanetsky is a funny man.


Kanetsky, by the way, was the winner of our high school Blitz Picks contest last year, winning a $6,000 Napoleon Gourmet Grill. (Technically, his mom won it, since he didn't want to take any chances with the NCAA in case there are rules against winning grills from newspapers.)

Kanetsky was tied with the second-place contestant coming down to the Youngstown East-Ellet game in Week 10. Kanetsky had East. The other guy had Ellet. The Panthers actually trailed 31-16 with three minutes left but scored two touchdowns, including a 98-yard pass on the game's final play that made it 31-30. East coach Brian Shaner went for two, got it and Kanetsky won the grill, which has been, I'm sad to report, sitting in his garage ever since his father picked it up.


Since I'm giving away two tickets to every Youngstown State home game this season, that means I must give away tickets to Saturday's game against St. Francis.

I'm not even going to pretend that it will be a good game but I can guarantee it will be a free game — for the first person to answer this week's trivia question.

Since this is going to be an easy win, I'll try to make the trivia question an easy win (and by easy, I mean I've already had the answer in one of my stories this year):

Q. Who is the oldest player on YSU's football team?

The first person to email me (scalzo@vindy.com) with the correct answer gets the tickets, which are the $16 variety.

And if you don't win (or don't know the answer), check back next Monday for another chance to win.

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