

« Drinks

New Year's Eve: Your Guide to Buying Bubbles!

Most Valley residents will be heading to the store over the next couple of days in search of something they rarely purchase. Champagne and Sparkling Wine sales spike each year at this time as people prepare for their New Year's Eve celebrations. There are so many good bubbly options out …

Holiday Wine Buying Guide Part Two: Italy

This is the week for all the last minute shoppers to do their thing. Wine is one of the best and easiest last minute gifts for those who always find themselves searching for gifts at the 11th hour. Part one of the holiday buying guide focused on California, so today …

Holiday Buys: Great Gifts From California

Wine is often a popular gift choice and there are more options out there than ever before. I will be posting several blogs before the holidays to help you select wines of quality that also offer strong value at their price point. I'm giving special consideration to California this year …