Great Grapes: Five Nice Pinot Grigio's


« Drinks

by Brian Fry   | 196 entries

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I sat down rrcently and tasted 40 white wines in one day, including 11 Pinot Grigios. I was building the new BTG Feature wine list for the Avalon Spa and Resort in Howland. The lineup of wines was diverse and somewhat surprising.

Here are the top five:

5. Joel Gott Pinot Gris (Oregon)

Copnsiderably more dry and acidit than the rest of the bunch. Crisper in style

4. Maso Canolli (Italy)

Round and medium bodied with light tropical fruits

3. Good (Italy)

Well balanced and fresh with a fuller finish.

2. Montevina (California)

Clean and fruit forward with enticing melon anf pineapple

1. Villa Banfi San Angelo (Italy)

Clearly stood out from the crowd with luch, full fruit flavors and a lingering finish.

All oof thee wines are available locally in stores and restaurants, so pick up a couple today and compare for yourself. Enjoy!


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