OctobBREWfest in the Valley


« Drinks

by Brian Fry   | 196 entries

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Phill and Sandy Reda clearly enjoy throwing beer parties. Their "Big Tap In" has grown from a local beer bash into one of the best beer events in the midwest. They attract breweries and beer lovers from around the world for the annual event. The Redas also throw numerous smallers beer events at their store Vintage Estates (VE) and have done some excellent beer dinners at their restaurant The Magic Tree Pub and Eatery.

The Redas have created a new event for Valley beer lovers to enjoy. OcoBREWfest will celebrate fall seasonal beers and incorporate more of an emphasis on food. The event is aimed at celebrating both the traditional German Oktoberfest and the numerous local and regional fall seasonal beers being produced these days.


Here's a look at the event details:

Date / Time: September 21st, 1-5PM

Where: The Shepherd Center in Boardman

Tickets: $58 avaliable on line

Beers: 30 special Cask Conditioned Ales, 30+ fall seasonal beers

Food: Frankfurter tastings, traditional German fare, locally harvested food

Music: Traditional Oktoberfest music from a localPolka band

Contest: Samuel Adams stein hoist competition with $500 cash prize

More information: www.OctoBrewfest.com

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