

« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries



Are we wired for LOVE? The answer to that is way out of the range of intelligence of this auto-didactic radio artiste. What i do know, is that this time of year is so hard for so many. I have a dear friend who's 19 year old daughter's cancer came back, and, there's no more treatment for her . She's now refusing any life-extending treatment, yet, yearns for LOVE in her remaining months: Dear friends, I am here to tell you that as of today, I am stopping cancer treatment. I will now let God take over my life. I estimate that I have months left to live. You never know, but that is the estimate. Please take an opportunity to pray for my family and my close friends. Please also pray that I have strength to defeat the demons of despair and depression. Please also do not send me other options for treatment. I am tired. I am so exhausted, down to the bones ravaged by both cancer and chemo. Please respect my wishes. God's will is done, whether I am sent to Heaven or miraculously healed. Thank you. I have another friend who's mom just passed. She had her mom for 60 years. While we're are in the celebratory mood, lest we forget about those who are critically ill and those who lost a loved one over the past years. Love while you can. Answer the knock of LOVE. It's always later than you think.

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