"I'm happy as heck"


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries

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Youngstown Democrat Mayoral Candidate, Atty John McNally, reacted to the NEWS that he won the nomination by saying "I'm happy as heck" Well, who IS and who IS NOT 'happy as heck'?

  1. Jamael isn't happy as heck
  2. Matt Smith IS happy as heck - now he can put 100% effort into getting his daughter back after 8 years...http://www.vindy.com/videos/2013/may/03/2337/?radio" rel="nofollow">by running for United States Congress
  3. Jimmy Hughes IS...now he doesn't lose against another black man
  4. Demain Kitchen IS...now he doesn't lose to another black man
  5. Demain Kitchen IS - now I won't be forced to open his closet and reveal his skeleton
  6. Davey Betras IS - now he can take credit for putting the winner over the top
  7. Tom Humphries IS - (see # 6)
  8. Bertram deSouza IS NOT - ink barrels didn't work
  9. V2/Vernon IS - Demain and Jamael will STILL have strategy sessions at V2
  10. Danny Yemma IS NOT.....(well.IS...IS NOT..IS..IS NOT, depends on the day.)
  11. Jamael IS - he no longer needs to answer any uncomfortable Lisa questions
  12. Jamael IS - will no longer need to account for as much time in City Hall (well, maybe)
  13. Jamael IS - no longer needs to try and think up reasons for not having put the charter amendments to a vote of 'We The People'
  14. AH! Bertram IS - he can continue to resurrect the Oak Hill debacle
  15. Chuckie Sammaronie...doesn't care,(loudly) "I DON'T CARE !!"
  16. David Skolnick IS , David's a happy guy
  17. Anthony Traficanti IS NOT - being a DemoPartyMan, needs to publicly support McNally
  18. Phil Kidd, well, you'll need to check his https://www.facebook.com/phil.kidd.9" rel="nofollow">Facebook page.....

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