“You must do the thing you think you cannot do”


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries

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Eleanor Roosevelt said: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do”


OHIO House Bill 108,FINALLY passed (the Ohio House)today.
So where's the credit due???
I know where --- to  LIZ and TOM, THAT is where the credit goes for  OHIO  HOUSE BILL 108'S passage late this afternoon.
CREDIT is DUE,primarily to TWO people. Those TWO people are: LIZ RAAB and TOM SIESTO ---PERIOD!!!!
LIZ & TOM, these two people have fought, TIRELESSLY, through their tears for the past YEARS to help us, here in OHIO.
LIZ & TOM are from NYCity. It would make sense to me if, after the murder of  their family member NITRO, they went home to New York and never looked back...but, as we all NOW know, that is NOT LIZ RABB and TOM SIESTO.
 They came back to Ohio to pick up the remains of their beloved family member,NITRO, after  Steve Croley sentenced innocent Nitro to death by starvation in Croley's 'concentration camp for dogs'...here in Ohio, here in Ohio where we STILL lack ADEQUATE laws for the abuse of our companion animals, our pets, our four-legged family members.
 LIZ & TOM came back, came back HERE to YOUNGSTOWN,OHIO seeking SOME justice, some minimal justice for the painful murder of their family member, but, received no justice.
LIZ & TOM returned to New York City, never taking time to grieve, never taking time to rest, but began a campaign to change the laws HERE in OHIO, for OUR companions! NOTHING they could do could ease the pain that they suffer, yet LIZ & TOM have tirelessly worked for YEARS to have a NEW law here, in OHIO.
TODAY House Bill 108 FINALLY passed the Ohio House. It passed NOT due to the work our our, so-called, representatives, but it passed because of LIZ & TOM's work. Not a day has gone by that Liz hasn't called,emailed,and/or posted contacts/addresses for WE-the-PEOPLE of OUR state, to contact. LIZ & TOM found the phone numbers and emails,LIZ & TOM contacted OUR representatives insisting that they listen and act...for LIZ & TOM ???? NO!, for those, here in OUR state, that cannot speak for themselves, and we, who love them !

All too often we've seen RE-ACTIVE elected officials realize that a grass-roots movement is gaining momentum, the re-active elected officials THEN attempt to get IN FRONT of that movement (not unlike what we're seeing today with the fracking/injection wells/hazardous waste issues) and act as if they've been there all along, and in fact LEADING that movement. In the case of , what we hope will be NITRO's LAW,again, please KNOW  that without the tireless effort of New York City Nitro's  LIZ and TOM, nothing would have happened today. LIZ and TOM have organized and executed an amazing campaign for we,the people of Ohio. They've  worked to change Ohio from the heartbreak of it all, to the HEART of it all...... for the protection of OUR companions and, of course, in memory of their dear NITRO.

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