Chico and The Man.......Dog Death Afternoon: A POST-MORTEM KICK IN THE CANINE


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries

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Earlier this year I wrote two blogs regarding the death of New Castle Police K-9 Officer,Chico - at the hands of his partner.

K9 Officer Chico suffered horribly before his death.

Most folks were outraged that the people of New Castle Pennsylvania would allow Chico's partner: James Hoyland to remain on the police force. After all -- Hoyland was responsible for the death of his partner...lack of any decent judgement - at the VERY least.

One of the reasons that I've advocated for better salaries for law enforcers is due to the FACT that they are required to make split-second decisions that affect the lives of others. In THIS case,  a split-second decision was not required, but just what we used to call: 'common sense'.

People were not only outraged that James Hoyland was allowed to remain a law enforcer, but that his so-called punishment was only:" rel="nofollow">"...He will be suspended without pay for a total of 60 days,” Gavrile said. She noted Hoyland has been suspended since about June 6, and is now in his 32nd day. He also must make restitution for the dog prior to his reinstatement and will no longer be part of the K-9 unit."

If THAT wasn't enough of an insult to ALL law enforcers plus a kick in the teeth to ALL K9 officers:" rel="nofollow">NEW CASTLE, Pa. -- This city has halved the suspension of a police officer whose canine died from heat stroke from being left in a hot squad car for nearly four hours." rel="nofollow">The New Castle News reports that city council voted to cut Officer James Hoyland's unpaid suspension from 60 to 30 days. Council also agreed that Officer Hoyland doesn't have to pay restitution for the dog, for which the city paid $5,500.

There are countless stories of the heroism of K9 officers, sadly THIS story is one of cowardise, the cowardise of New Castle City Council and those who have remained silent. At least those who have remaind silent have done so by choice - Officer CHICO had NO CHOICE, his cries for help were silenced by James Hoyland's trapping him in a hot car with the windows shut." rel="nofollow">Chico and The Man.......Dog Death Afternoon" rel="nofollow">Barking Mad" rel="nofollow">





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