
« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries

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From the U.K.'s Telegraph:

American Flight 77 took off from Washington for Los Angeles at 8.20am and the last routine exchange took place at 8.51am. The cockpit crew were killed and plane was hijacked over the next three minutes. Just two people are known to have made calls and much less detail is available than for the other three planes.

At 09:12, flight attendant Renee May reached her mother Nancy in Las Vegas. In a two-minute call, she said her flight was being hijacked and that passengers and crew had been moved to the rear of the plane. She also asked her mother to contact American Airlines.

The other was passenger Barbara Olson, who called her husband Ted, the US solicitor-general. She told him that the hijackers had box cutters and knives before the first call cut out after a minute, after which Mr Olson contacted the command centre at the Department of Justice.

About five minutes later, his wife called again, reporting that the "pilot" had announced the flight was hijacked and asking her husband "what do I tell the pilot to do?"

Mr Olson asked their location and she said the plane was flying over a residential area. He then informed her of the attacks in New York before the call cut off again. The plane ploughed into the Pentagon at 9.37:46.

I remember Barb Olson. Barb had done Brainfood a number of times. She called me her "...favourite radical...favourite hippie...", etc.

Many in my audience - at that time - hated her, and the others that I referred to as " ...bevy of beautiful blonde Bush broads..." - most didn't like THAT either.  I enjoyed then, and still enjoy opinions that differ from mine . The 'bevy' were - obviously - conservatives/GOP-ers/right-wingers. What I REALLY liked about Barb Olson, was her ability - no - desire to rock and roll while white water rafting the air waves with me. We could argue/disagree, we could laugh at ourselves and each other, talk about serious issues concerning
us,U.S. and the world, without taking ourselves TOO seriously----she thru 'Barbs at me and I got 'Louie on her --- yet, we were always ready to 'do it again'.

I remember Barb today 11 September 2011--- our on-air AND off-air conversations. I'd read emails that some of y'all had sent to me  about her. I always told her that the area I broadcast from is owned by the Democrats.

I remember Barb Olson today and wonder what , if only she had NOT been on American Flight 77 on 11 September 2001 - what she'd say about the wars that  George W Bush ,the Republicans AND Democrats started .... and Barak Obama ,the Democrats AND Republicans have continued to THIS day --- what would Barbara Olson say?

What new books would Barb have written over the last ten years? Would Barb and I still be getting along?

I recall numerous calls that I placed to her - then husband/then G.W.Bush Solicitor General - Ted Olson.he, eventually, did talk with me - as he was aware of the interviews and off-air chats I had with Barb. It  hit me until JUST before I got through to him - what could I possibly say to him - from my heart - that would mean ANYTHING to him....his wife had just been murdered - Ted was SOLICITOR GENERAL and was unable to help his wife as she was flown to her death. AGAIN:

Barbara Olson, who called her husband Ted, the US solicitor-general. She told him that the hijackers had box cutters and knives before the first call cut out after a minute, after which Mr Olson contacted the command centre at the Department of Justice.

About five minutes later, his wife called again, reporting that the "pilot" had announced the flight was hijacked and asking her husband "what do I tell the pilot to do?"

Our 'markers' are interesting..10 years out - a decade, is different that 3 years out , 11 years out, etc. I haven't thought as much about Barb Olson since the first anniversary of her murder. Yeah, there's a lot of profiteering going on, books, films, interviews for ratings, etc............what would Barb be writing,thinking,  talking about?  Would she still rock and roll while white water rafting the airwaves with me?

Barb Olson once said:

Of all presidential perks, the pardon power has a special significance. It is just the kind of authority that would attract the special attention of someone obsessed with himself and his own ability to influence events.


Mistakes were made is something we heard back in '92, and that has sort of been the Clinton administration's mantra. I can't imagine that Al Gore is going to pick up that statement and carry it through the next election.


From what we've heard about George W., he has a lot issues that he wants to run on. They're positive. They're good. He thinks he's got a good vision for America.

and this:

Hopefully, at some point, people will at least credit the Republicans with carrying out their oversight responsibilities and with pursuing a principled course of action even in the face of everyone's short-attention spans.

Well, Barb, if you were around, I'd love to knock that last one around with you.......I'd love to ask you - again - "what music would you like me to open with?" Ten years after......I'd just like to hear your laugh again.

As we remember Barb and all of those who lost their lives ten years ago, let's remember to tell those that are still with us - if we love them -THAT WE LOVE THEM, we never know what our last words will be, so when we're together and when we part, we need to let those we care about know -  that we care about them.


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