Ohio: STILL The Heartbreak of It All


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries

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Years ago, some public relations/advertising company came up with the slogan: OHIO, THE HEART OF IT ALL. If you know your geography at all, you can see that Ohio's positioned where 'the heart' of America would be located. On the show, I've often referred to Ohio as 'the heartbreak of it all' My best recollection is that I did a lot of referring to 'the heartbreak' when Ohio was called for G.W. Bush in 2000.

 I've written and talked frequently about the failure of our elected officials to enact even tiny advances for those who cannot speak for themselves...and TODAY, THE WORLD KNOWS THAT OHIO REMAINS THE HEARTBREAK OF IT ALL.  While on air this morning, I watched online as the story of the tragedy of the Zanesville area so-called exotic animal refuge spread around the world  from the UK's Guardian, BBC and Telegraph to Reuters India and beyond - the world now KNOWS that THIS state elects too many ineffective self-serving politicians. Now the world knows that we fail to enact MINIMAL legislation regarding animals - AND, we the people !

Adam Roberts, executive vice president of Born Free USA says "Around the country, you have a patchwork of state laws where about 21 states have some sort of prohibition on the keeping of exotic animals as pets," Roberts said. "Eight states have a partial ban, where certain species are prohibited, but not others. Thirteen states require permitting or a license scheme, and the other eight states have little or no regulations whatsoever. And Ohio is in the bottom category."

Utah for example: "The state law in Utah is very strict," said Mark Hadley of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. "Basically it prohibits people from being able to have wild and dangerous animals in their possession."

In an article titled Lax Ohio laws lead to 'free-for-all' for exotic animals, critics say,

The Christian Science Monitor reports: "http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/1019/Lax-Ohio-laws-lead-to-free-for-all-for-exotic-animals-critics-say" rel="nofollow">The escape of an estimated 56 animals – including lions, tigers, giraffes, camels, and bears – from a Zanesville, Ohio, farm is just the latest and most dramatic in a string of incidents involving exotic pets running wild in the state.

http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/1019/Lax-Ohio-laws-lead-to-free-for-all-for-exotic-animals-critics-say" rel="nofollow">

http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/1019/Lax-Ohio-laws-lead-to-free-for-all-for-exotic-animals-critics-say" rel="nofollow">In fact, animal-rights activists tab Ohio as one of the five worst states in the country when it comes to monitoring and regulating exotic animals in residents' backyards, garages, or basements.

http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/1019/Lax-Ohio-laws-lead-to-free-for-all-for-exotic-animals-critics-say" rel="nofollow">“Ohio continues to be a free-for-all for unqualified and inexperienced people keeping dangerous animals,” says Debbie Leahy, the captive wildlife regulatory specialist for the Humane Society of the United States."...

http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/1019/Lax-Ohio-laws-lead-to-free-for-all-for-exotic-animals-critics-say" rel="nofollow">In total, the Humane Society documented 22 incidents involving exotic pets in Ohio since 2003, making Ohio one of the top five states for such incidents. They include:

http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/1019/Lax-Ohio-laws-lead-to-free-for-all-for-exotic-animals-critics-say" rel="nofollow">Ohio is one of eight states that doesn’t regulate private ownership of animals, according to Humane Society figures. Ms. Leahy says the lack of regulations pose a serious threat to public safety and animal welfare.



Heart-broken Liz from http://www.nitrofoundation.com/" rel="nofollow">The Nitro Foundation, an organization  who's mission is to HELP MAKE ANIMAL CRUELTY A FELONY IN OHIO , called into the show today. She, once again, expressed her outrage and saddens at the lack of legislative leadership here in Ohio..." ...how many more tragedies need to happen for positive change to come to Ohio?" "All across the country now, people are seeing and hearing that Ohio has  weakest animal laws in the nation and the law makers don't seem to care...we've also been trying for THREE years to get http://www.nitrofoundation.com/" rel="nofollow">Nitro's Law passed and it seems that it's always getting stalled in the legislative process" says Tom Siesto also from http://www.nitrofoundation.com/" rel="nofollow">The Nitro Foundation.  Today Liz reminded me of my blog http://www.vindy.com/weblogs/brain-food/2011/jun/27/nitros-flaw-if-only-nitro-was-a-racetrack/" rel="nofollow">NITRO'S FLAW - If Only Nitro Was A Racetrack... ---how law makers can fast-track bills and accomplish things when it serves THEIR interests.  



 American's  are seething at the constant blame-game excuse making Republicans and Democrats...and as for Ohio... while the world watches, those who usually are fighting for media face time are silent...and we,OHIO remains...THE HEARTBREAK OF IT ALL....FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.

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