
« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries

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AERIAL...what a beautiful name ! What happened to the young girl who's name means: " "lion of God". Shakespeare gave the name to a prankish spirit in "The Tempest". Ariel was also made popular in modern times as the name of the mermaid in Walt Disney's cartoon feature film The Little Mermaid"? Aerial , the definition is : a : of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere b : existing or growing in the air rather than in the ground or in water c : high in the air. Why did Aerial run....into the arms of strangers? We'll probably never know the truth, as Aerial Patterson was murdered - her lifeless body left in the yard of a vacant house in Southwest Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ." rel="nofollow">"According to her mother, Vontisue Patterson, 17-year-old Aerial Patterson had a bad habit of following friends and people she just met on the Internet to distant places. " Hmmm, a bad habit? What was Aerial running to or from, this  time, not the first time this year that Aerial's mom called police to help find her 'runaway' daughter." rel="nofollow">A Warren police report from Dec. 1, 2010, said Patterson’s mother, Vontisue Patterson, 34, reported the girl missing.
Warren police helped bring the girl back to Ohio after locating her on a Greyhound bus near Charleston, W.Va." rel="nofollow">
Vontisue Patterson also reported Aerial Patterson missing April 10 this year, saying her daughter had disappeared overnight.
Many will jump to conclusions when they hear  no mention of a father, but i spoke -just this afternoon- with two lifelong drug addicts, one in his 60's and the other near 80, who both talk somewhat fondly of their fathers.
I wonder if Aerial plead for her young life or if the bullets, the hot lead that ripped through her young flesh, surprised her. What were her last words to Eddie Yannick Doh, the  23-yr-old charged with Aerial's murder? Why was Doh so angry? Doh has a long criminal history, with several arrests and convictions related to beating up on women. What in the make up of Eddie Doh was so 'wrong' that he was abusive to women and 'caused' him to take the life of young Aerial? Why was he allowed to be back on the streets with convictions "...related to beating up on women."?
We'd like to believe that murders would give SOME little peace to the survivors of their viciousness, but all too often, that's not the case, after all, we must not mistake these folk for kind, giving people....they take, they don't give. So my guess is that Doh's counsel will advise him NOT to give any admit to nothing. So we're left to wonder, Vontisue will grieve without taking any responsibility while warning others to" rel="nofollow">"listen to your parents, listen to your parents, you know we're all you've got."
All she had? So, again, what  made Aerial run to the arms of strangers?....why to distant places and THIS time, into the arms of a killer?
Vontisue Patterson said" rel="nofollow">"" rel="nofollow">There's monsters out there and it's sad that my baby had to run across one"   Sadly, Aerial ran TO a monster and we'll never know why...

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