Your world can dramatically change in instant – ours did at Friday at 1 am


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


I don't know exactly when I first met Tim Smith. I do recall some early emails, such as :

When does the feed come up on line please?

Great show today, Bertram just now was a hoot,

What was the song coming back from break at 10:36

Awesome tune.....mornin Louie!! - Tim the Lady singing in almost merangue style ??"

Great Show dude!

What a great interview with Nils today

Was that Blind Faith just now......what a great band.....
Tim's emails really kept me going,like this one: Atty. Bugliosi was incredible and what a nice compliment to your prep and understanding of the facts, first rate job young man. -tim

Good to be back, missed the sound of your voice - tim

You were going to shoot yourself in the foot and say who could hear all those disclaimers in the Mercedes ad weren't you...??
Great interview, you and I married up didn't we?

but this one really hit me:

Hi Louie  Hope you had a great weekend!

First I wanted to let you know what a pleasure itwas to meet you finally after listening all this time and hearing Julie remark about how much fun doing the show is.

Next, I was listening after leaving Friday (you are always on my radio dial! ) and must tell you that it was humbling to hear your cupcake thoughts but most compelling about telling people nownot later .and sometimes before its too late. The Bob Fitzer reminiscence was an extraordinary example of this say it now a wonderful story, the good vibes our meeting left with us both are a testament in responding to feelings about the community and its cheerleaders, you, Mayor Jay, Mark Brown, Evangelist Cossler and many, many others. Each of you is giving back in new and innovative ways, citing the positives, the possibilities but never neglecting those things that need exposed and fixed with positive honest elixir to be taken liberally until healed completely.

As I stated Friday, your clarity, honesty and style bring a breath of fresh air to dialogue broadcast in this community. The talking heads using the public airwaves to poison the heads of its people doing the community harm. The tabloid style talk-rags like Ron Verb attempt to elevate their newsstand sensationalism to reporting the communitys condition when in effect they are nothing more than a part of the problem.

You should know that the contribution you make strengthens the community in ways not easily described. Please dont let issues like Kerrigans misleading statements deter your diligence to celebrate what is good in this community and let what is bad be fairly talked about then put to rest. These mis-statements will sort themselves out and your approach to resolving this is as commendable as it is responsible.

At a time when so many talking heads want to convince the community that it is evil, that it doesnt stand a chance, that Washington has forgotten the Valley, your optimism and passion rank as a treasure for the listeners.

Please feel free to call or stop by anytime.

I am looking forward to enjoying a cupcake and cup of tea with you sometime soon.

Sincerely, one of your humble listeners and appreciative community advocates - Tim

That's Tim-always giving-ALWAYS GIVING / ALL WAYS GIVING !

And what a community advocate he IS - most recently,Tim was pictured in The Vindicator for his and Rotary's support of the spelling bee. How Tim finds time for community work, running a successful business, being a loving Dad and Husband is truly beyond me-but he does, and does it well-VERY WELL !!
Everyone seems to know Tim, and everyone has something wonderful to say about Tim.
Tim called in last week thrilled that his Smith and Company Jewelers had just been named for the second year in a row : One of America's Top 50 Jewelry Designers !! He was so thrilled ! Last year when he won-I invited him in-studio and surpised him with a call from the President of the organization that named him one of 50-in the entire country! I've been arranging to do that again...then received this email from Tim's wife Julie :
"..I wanted to share some very concerning news with you all and ask that you keep Tim in your thoughts and prayers.

He is in ICU ...with meningitis encephalitis which came on suddenly today. He is on a ventilator to alleviate his exertion in breathing, sedated and receiving the appropriate antibiotic treatment. The next 24-48 hours are critical and while we pray for a full recovery, we just dont know what we dont know at this point, it is truly a wait and see situation..."
more recently " has been extraordinary. He is resting comfortably and stable. I personally see some improvement in responsiveness, and his eyes have opened, but he does not respond to direct requests for movement. He is mostly sedated and still vented, receiving a strong regiment of drug treatment.

He had an EEG which showed no seizures and are awaiting outcome of spinal tap and CT scan. There is evidence that he may have had a stroke but to what degree is unknown.

The prognosis, rate of recovery and long term is unknown. Truly, with all the advances in medicine and technology, the basic questions can not be answered.

Many have expressed surprise that they did not know of his situation and I can only say that it unfortunate validation that your world can dramatically change in instant  ours did at Friday at 1 am..."

I did ask Julie if I could publically request prayers for Tim-her response ended : "...he needs all the prayers he can get.




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