Memorial day crap


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


DNC Statement on Memorial Day
Washington, DC - Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the following statement in commemoration of Memorial Day:

"This weekend we honor the brave men and women who have defended our country and those who have lost their lives on the battlefield. They deserve the very best in return, which is why the Democratic Congress passed the bi-partisan 21st Century GI bill to help them pay for college when they come home. We believe that if someone is willing to put on the uniform for the United States of America, we should do everything we can to help them and ensure their success when they come home. I'm proud that both of our Democratic candidates for president took time off from the campaign trail to vote in support of this important legislation. The last thing Americans want is another president who will short-change our veterans."


WASHINGTON Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Robert M. xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc5x93Mikexc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2x9d Duncan released the following statement today:

xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc5x93We are eternally grateful and forever indebted to the brave men and women in uniform who serve our country with such honor, and to those who have bravely given their lives for her. While words can never express the profound contribution our fallen heroes have given to this great country, we can offer our hearts and minds in prayer for those who have gone before us, and for those who are currently fighting Americaxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s greatest enemies that they may return home safely and in victory.

xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc5x93This weekend, I hope all Americans take time to appreciate our nationxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s heroes and their dedication to protecting our freedom at any cost.xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2x9d

-*does ANYONE believe that either of the above statements are sincere????*

these 'parties' that *may* very well-at one time cared about We,The People, now are of and for the party and the power garnered by the party ....

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